Nya Bergérus-bloggen 3.0

Varmt välkommen till min blogg! Jag heter Anders ”Abbe” Bergérus och är Socialdemokratiskt 1:e ombudsman i Värmland. För mig handlar politik främst om samhällsförändring. Jag ska så konstruktivt och drivande som möjligt försöka, att med egna ord beskriva viktiga händelser, uttrycka åsikter och skapa debatt.


Nyval i två brittiska valkretsar

Idag är det nyval i två brittiska valkretsar, en i södra Wales och en i Kent. Med det brittiska valsystemet med enmansvalkretsar, så sker inte omräkning när någon riksdagsledamot av olika skäl lämnar deras riksdag. Det blir naturligtvis nyval, fast bara i de berörda valkretsarna. Nu hoppas vi att det går lika bra för de brittiska partivännerna i Labour som jag hoppas att det gör för oss i höstens svenska val. Läs mer i nedan brev från Iain Wright och stöd gärna med en gåva till deras valfond:

Tomorrow sees two important parliamentary by-elections in Blaenau Gwent and Bromley and Chislehurst, and it's important for the party that we fight strong campaigns in both seats. To do this we need the help of our members and supporters.

By-elections can be a very different beast from general election campaigns - they can pop up at unpredictable times, and often in difficult or sad circumstances, as is the case with both tomorrow. They can also be high-profile events (should you follow in some big footsteps - trust me, I know!), with the press looking for any and every opportunity to infer all sorts of implications from specific, individual results.

You never have the luxury of any extended planning, and campaign offices, equipment and election materials have to spring up seemingly over night. The reality is, of course, that these things do not just appear, and it is a combination of both local and national efforts which go into mobilising these campaigns. In Hartlepool, I know that the local members and I were greatly helped by the support we received from the party, and that played a major part in our success.

By donating £10, or whatever you can afford you can help us to make that last phone call to an undecided voter, or deliver to them that last letter explaining how Labour can help them, their family and their community. The Labour Party relies on the activism of its members, and with your determination and generosity we have already achieved so much. You may not be in a position to drop leaflets through doors, or to give people lifts to the polling stations, but your donation can help us to do just that.

With the cycle of General, Local, Scottish and Welsh, and then European elections in successive years, as well as by-elections, it is vital for the party that we are in a position to campaign constantly for a better, fairer Britain, and a sound financial position is essential to achieving this.

So please donate by phoning our membership team on 08705 900 200 (Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm) and give what you can or visit the website.

Your donation can help our teams in South Wales and in Kent to make a difference tomorrow.

Thank you,

Iain Wright
MP for Hartlepool

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1 kommentarer:

Klockan 5:50 em , Anonymous Anonym sa...

Labours insatser för att samla inpengar har ifrågasatts, i något fall helt riktigt, men de har på det stora hela en bättre koll på vilka insatser människor är beredda att göra. Vi tror i Sverige att medlemskap i partierna är det bästa - vilket det är i den bästa av världar - men det finns många som vill få möjlighet att stödja utan att delta. Bra med en påminnelse om det.


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